Idea India SMS Codes

settingsIf you are using the SMS codes for Idea in India then you and find the most commonly used codes below. These codes should work in all the provinces in India. You can use this on your mobile phone such as the Asha 200 settings which is very popular and is shown on this website. See the most commonly used USSD for the Idea network in India for more information such as sending and checking your SMS on your mobile phone.

Idea India SMS Codes

If you wish to activate your GPRS service with Idea in India you can do this by using the USSD code FRESH to the telephone number 4666. If you wish to  activate your 3G Idea Service then you can send the USSD code ACT 3G to the phone number 12345 to activate your Idea service. You can also deactivate your 3G idea service by sending DEACT 3G to telephone number 12345. See also the Airtel SMS settings on here.

Lastly you can also get your GPS settings by send the USSD code SET to the telephone number 12345. These are the basic settings on the Idea mobile phone network. You can find more information about GPS settings here or what is called subscribe to packet data.

If you want to check your balance on Idea then you can use the USSD *212# or *130# or *123# and you can also check your SMS balance on Idea with the USSD  *451# or *161*1#. You can also check the prices from Idea with the USSD *567#. You can also check the Idea  special packages with the USSD code  *131*3#.  This is the most commonly used USSD and SMS settings from the Idea network in India. You can find more information on this website such as the Idea USSD codes as well as the Idea APN settings in India.

See also  Hutch Sri Lanka

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