Ucom Armenia USSD Codes

ussd codesThese are the Ucom Armenia USSD codes that you will need when using the Ucom mobile phone network in Armenia. These are their USSD codes which you can use to obtain certain services. Search this website or look on the sidebar where we have listed how to use the USSD codes if you have not used it before.

Ucom Armenia USSD Codes

These are some of the most commonly used USSD codes in Armenia. This will work on the Ucom network which you can use to access these services. These can be to check your balance. You can also check what your telephone number is. See these listed below:

– Check your phone number  – *420# press the call button

– Check your balance – *133#, press the call button

– Recharge your account –*144* 14-digit recharge code# and press the call button

– Change your language – *111*5#, press the call button

– Check your voice mailbox – dial 404 and press the call button

Ucom Armenia USSD CodesThe USSD codes above will show you that you can check your mobile phone number as well as your balance on the network. You can also recharge your mobile phone with Ucom using the USSD code to recharge or top up your airtime. You can also change your language as well as check your voice mailbox with the codes. See also the MPT Myanmar recharge voucher as well as the Robi Bangladesh USSD codes and Nokia 3310 connectivity settings as well.

See also  USSD Codes for Simyo

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