USSD Codes for Simyo

ussd codesThese are the USSD codes for Simyo which is rather small in Germany much like the USSD codes of ALDI Talk or the USSD codes for Congstar. They dont have many options such as the USSD codes for Vodafone in Germany or the USSD codes for O2 in Germany. The USSD codes for Simyo is limited and listed below. 

USSD Codes for Simyo

These are the USSD codes which can be used on the Simyo network. You are able to check your balance as well as charge your account. You can also add in money for data roaming as well as deactivating your limit.

* 100 #Check account balance
* 104 * recharge code #Charge the account with a prepaid card
Data Roaming
* 141 #Activate limit to 59,50 €
* 141 * 100 #Activate limit to 100 €
* 141 * 150 #Activate limit to 150 €
* 142 #Deactivate limit completely
* 143 #Query limit

The balance check is very easy to remember as many mobile phone companies use this USSD code. The recharge code is also there and that is only for prepaid cards on the network. The last is data roaming as you can limit the costs so that it does not run off when abroad or if your mobile phone gets stolen while roaming abroad. 


Incoming search terms:

See also  USSD Family Mobile USA
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