USSD codes for Sunrise Germany

ussd codesThese are the USSD codes for Sunrise Germany as a mobile phone provider. You will note that they offer much more in terms of services than Klarmobile or EDEKA which are also listed on this website. You can find other USSD codes on this website for other mobile phone networks in Germany as well as in Europe.

USSD codes for Sunrise Germany

These are the USSD code for Sunrise and you will note that it offers as many if not more service options than the Vodafone USSD codes or O2 USSD codes in Germany. Search this website for more details on USSD codes as well as APN codes for European mobile phone networks.

All tariffs
* 109 * phone number #Display of own mobile phone numbers
* 102 * phone number #Changing language
* 122 #Display of your own telephone number
* 125 #Sunrise live and upload MMS settings to your mobile phone
* 145 #Switch on mailbox
# 145 #Switch off mailbox
* 148 #Switch on the acoustic signal on foreign networks
# 148 #Switch off the acoustic signal on foreign networks
Runtime rates
* 133 #Check account balance (at term rates)
* 134 #Query payment status of own invoices
Prepaid Plans
* 121 #Check account balance
* 126 #Pronto Credit Card Balance Check
* 128 #Sunrise prontomax
* 131 * refill code #Recharge credit with refill card
* 132 * Personal code * amount #Charge credits by credit card
* 135 * refill code #Reload credits via Starmap Alliance
* 136 #Remaining international minutes query
* 100 #Direct activation
* 100 * phone number #Remote activation of the mobile phone
* 101 #Status display for active SIM cards
* 103 #Index-function query
See also  USSD Codes for Vodafone Germany

You will note that the first table has all the tariffs which are used the most. The second are the runtime rates and the third is the prepaid airtime tables. The final table is for multi-cards. The first shows you your telephone number as well as changing the language. You can also switch your mailbox on and off. Search this website for other USSD codes which you might be looking for other than Sunrise in Germany.

You can also see the Gmobile Vietnam USSD settings here as well as the Mobifone Vietnam services. These are mainly APN settings as well as the USSD codes for Sunrise Germany and the USSD codes for Vistream as well as the APN Settings for Tchibo out in Germany. See also the Mobitel balance check as well as the Ooredoo balance check code on here.


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