Mobiland APN Settings

I have added the Mobiland APN Settings for Andorra to this website. Likewise to configure your Android device for accessing internet or MMS with Mobiland in Andorra. Lastly these steps have been added below. You can search this webiste for more information on APN settings from around the world. This is for Andorra.

Mobiland APN Settings

Likewise navigate to Settings ➔ Connections ➔ Mobile networks ➔ Access Point Names on your Android device. You will note that the APN settings are similar to the Bluesky APN Settings. Lastly there is also the Bluetooth Settings Nokia 520 on here.

Mobiland’s APN settings enable Android devices to connect to the internet or send multimedia messages (MMS) in Andorra. Users can manually configure these settings by accessing the device’s settings menu, navigating to “Connections” and then “Mobile networks,” and selecting “Access Point Names.

” Upon pressing “Add,” users should input the specified details, including the APN name as “Mobiland” and APN as “internet.” The MCC and MNC values are set to 213 and 03, respectively. Authentication type is unspecified, while APN type is defined as “default,ia,supl,” supporting various internet services.

The protocols IPv4/IPv6 and IPv4 designate APN and roaming, ensuring compatibility and network stability. We advise users to restart their Android device after applying these settings for seamless connectivity with Mobiland’s network in Andorra. Likewise also see the Nokia 3310 Internet Settings on here.

– Press Add located in the top right corner.
– If Android has already set values for Mobiland for any fields below, leave them unchanged.
– Modify the other fields as follows:
– Name: Mobiland
– APN: internet
– MCC: 213
– MNC: 03
– APN type: default,ia,supl
– APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6
– Likewise APN roaming protocol: IPv4
– Bearer: Unspecified

See also  NTC Nepal APN Settings

Lastly you must restart your Android device to apply the new Mobiland APN settings. Likewise there is also the article I did on Orascom Telecom Algérie APN as well as the Ooredoo Alegria APN Settings.



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